About Us

The history of the Refuge Temple Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ is a grand and glorious one, a chronicle that will take its place in the annals of time. And so it was in the beginning of Refuge Temple Church, South Carolina. The steps of our anointed Pastor William Lee Bonner were ordered by the Lord Jesus Christ to come to Columbia , to begin a work for the Lord. Refuge Temple had its beginning on July 20, 1993, at Faith Temple Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ , 5116 Two Notch Road, Columbia , South Carolina, Pastored by Elder Richard S. Johnson, Jr., a son of the Church Of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Pastor Bonner had previously talked with Elder Johnson and his wife (Peggie), and Elder Johnson agreed for Pastor Bonner to have service at Faith Temple two nights per week until the new Church was built, because he did not want to interfere with Pastor Johnson’s scheduled services.

It was at the time that Pastor Bonner also asked Elder Johnson to consider closing his Church (Faith Temple) and merging the two of Churches at the competition of the Temple and becoming the Assistant Pastor of Refuge Temple, Elder Johnson and his wife were asked to pray this and later inform Pastor Bonner of their decision. After much prayer and fasting Elder Johnson was directed by the Lord to agree to all that Pastor Bonner had requested of him and his congregation. Refuge Temple was established and Pastor Bonner began to receive members for the new Church. The church at 5116 Two Notch Road was truly blessed of the Lord. We were growing by leaps and enjoying every minute of it. Pastor Bonner was coming to minister to us twice a week and when he was not here Pastor Johnson ministered to us. The Lord was moving in our midst in a great and mighty way, and we were praising him for every blessing .

The Beginning

William Lee Bonner

Present Day

Refuge Temple Church

And now let us go back to 1992

The international Convocation of the Church Of Our Lord Jesus Christ was held in Columbia South Carolina, August 7-13, 1992. And what a convention it was! The Lord poured out His Spirit and blessing on the people in such a great and magnificent was that no one could deny that the Lord had sent this organization to Columbia for souls to be filled with the Holy Spirit, backsliders to be reclaimed and the saints of God to be revived. It was during this time that the Lord impressed upon the heart of Bishop W. L Bonner to leave a Church in Columbia , Before the Convention was over he asked Elder Richard Johnson , a Son of the Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ, to Look for a building that could be renovated or remodeled for a Church that would be pastored by Elder Johnson. It was hoped that this building would be found before Convention was over. Elder Richard Johnson located a few buildings that were shown to Pastor Bonner. He was not satisfied with what he saw and Elder Johnson was instructed to continue to look for a building. The Convention ended and everyone left town. However Pastor Bonner ‘s Heart remained in Columbia as he communicated almost daily with Elder Johnson concerning the progress of locating a building.

It was during this time the Lord changed Pastor Bonner’s heart and he was instructed to build a Church instead. With new directions from the Lord Elder Johnson began looking for land on which to build a Church. The first piece of property that Elder Johnson showed Pastor Bonner was located off Monticello Road; however, there were some problems with the land being released for sale because there was a group of men who owned the land and all had to come to an agreement, which was taking too much time . Elder Johnson was then asked to look for another piece of property. He contacted Mr. Charles Gary of Gary Realtors who informed him of approximately 12.5 acres of land within the city limits of Columbia. Pastor Bonner was informed and he flew to South Carolina to take a look at the property; upon seeing the land from the car he said. “This is the land,” and he proceeded to take a walk through the woods to claim the land that he walked upon . Mr. Gary was given instructions to take the necessary steps to purchase the land . In November 1992, the first two acres of land was purchased for the building of the Church . Excitement was growing as Pastor Bonner was now flying to Columbia for what would become many of his one-day trips, to take care of business and make preparations for the construction of the Temple. During this period of waiting Pastor Bonner was conducting service at the Holiday Inn Coliseum, on Assembly street, and the radio broadcast.

2 Samuel 7:5–7

5 Go and tell my servant David, Thus saith the LORD, Shalt thou build me an house for me to dwell in?

6 Whereas I have not dwelt in [any] house since the time that I brought up the children of Israel out of Egypt, even to this day, but have walked in a tent and in a tabernacle.

7 In all [the places] wherein I have walked with all the children of Israel spake I a word with any of the tribes of Israel, whom I commanded to feed my people Israel, saying, Why build ye not me an house of cedar?