Enter the world of The William Lee Bonner Culture Center and Educational Complex, this 12.5 acres of land in beautiful Columbia, South Carolina. It consist of The Refuge Temple Church, The Refuge Temple Family Life Center, The W. L. Bonner College, The Refuge Temple Retirement Center, The Adult Community Complex and Bonner’s Lake.
The Refuge Temple Church is not a man established Church but a church established by God to bless our souls and prepare us to make the rapture. The building of the church was a plan conceived by God through a vision that the Lord gave to Bishop Bonner. Bishop Bonner walked through the woods claiming all 12.5 acres, he foresaw the entire complex which stands now as the Southern Regional Headquarters of the Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ. The charge left to Bishop Bonner, “Add Thou to It,” by Bishop R.C. Lawson became a reality of being fulfilled when construction began on the Refuge Temple Church.

“The College is for our spiritual and educational learning. It is an institution that teaches the Word of God and how to rightly divide’ it”. As part of the vision, the spiritual intellect of all must be administered to. There is a great need to educate about the Holy Spirit, the Godhead, the 7 Dispensations, the teachings of the Apostles, and the first teachings of Jesus Christ. This is to name just a few of the teachings that are taught here at the college. It provides the spiritual education that provides the spiritual education that one needs to be able to grow and excel spiritually. To be sound in doctrine and in truth as it relates to scriptures in the Holy Bible.
The school is 5,580 sq. ft. with 7 classrooms, library, administration offices, and a computer lab. The school offers various types of degree programs and certificate programs. Conference rooms and Library are available for rent.
“So often the men and women of God give great sacrifices of themselves for the up-building of God’s kingdom. They sacrifice their families, lifestyle, and so much more as they labor in the vineyard; and, then they grow old and are set aside in the minds of others.” The Refuge Temple Retirement Center is the order set by God for the Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the caring for the Ministers and their wives upon retirement. This order was fulfilled when Bishop Edwin B. Johnson, from the Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ in Trinidad, came here to retire in 1995. The Ministers and their wives enjoy the southern comfort of relaxation by living in one of the suites for the rest of their lives. Also, the Missionaries may come for relaxation and meditation when they feel that they would like to have some peaceful time.

The Retirement Center is 19, 357 sq. ft. has 24 one bedroom suites, completed with living-room, dining room, kitchen and patio. Each suite is completely furnished and named in honor of former Bishops of the COOLJC. In addition, there’s a Social Hall magnificently decoder in the 18th century Victorian style, and a fully equipped kitchen. If you a looking to get away for a day, or a week. Rooms are available for rent.
The 20 unit Adult Community Complex is available for rent for senior citizens and young adults. The floor plan is similar to the Retirement Center. Each one bedroom apartment is 657 sq. ft. and has a living room, dining room, and a fully equipped kitchen with appliances, washer and dryer hook-ups, cable ready and a lake for fishing. Tenants of our complex may enjoy a day of leaser while fishing at Bonner’s Lake. Apartments are available for rent based on a one year lease.

Bonner’s Lake sits between the Retirement Center Bldg. and the Adult Community Complex. The centered location of Bonner’s Lake provides a view from both complexes. At one end of the lake there is a bridge where one can walk back and forth between the two complexes. Bonner’s Lake is here for added beauty, serenity and fishing. This is the “only” lake in the city limits of Columbia, which has been stocked with various kinds of fish. It’s a beautiful sight to view from your window, patio porch, or from sitting on a lakeside bench. Fishing passes must be obtained, prior to fishing