A leader must know his/her goals, have an objective or means to reach that goal and is able to communicate that goal to his/her staff.
The goal of our denomination, “The purpose of our organization shall be to perpetuate Refuge Temple Church. As leaders we work together as a team, and or in the interest of a common cause. To build and maintain professional and spiritual relationships; contribute to auxiliary and church success; adheres to auxiliary goals, church and biblical rules.
As leaders our pastor Bishop Sylvester Reid, charges us to demonstrate “Accountability, Responsibility and Commandment” as leaders we must demonstrates “ownership” by taking pride in our church.
The varies department within the church were formed to assist the pastor in reaching the membership and meeting the needs of each member.
- The Ministerial Department , Elder Tony Johnson, President
- Sunday School Department , Missionary Tammara Smith, Interim Superintendent
- Female Ushers, Sister Kim Greggs, President
- Deacon’s Department , Deacon Travis Etheridge, President
Member Pictures: